Bondi Junction Streetscape
Waverley Council
Bondi Junction, NSW

Ben Williams Photography

In response to the challenges of increasing traffic congestion, vehicle dominated environments and declining pedestrian amenity in the Bondi Junction CBD, Waverley Council engaged SMM as lead consultants to design streetscape improvements and a new cycleway connecting Centennial Park and Bondi Junction.
SMM led a team of engineers and specialist consultants and sought to respond to the unique challenges facing Bondi Junction’s public domain with design solutions that prioritise the safe and efficient movement of people and goods through the ever-growing CBD. Importantly, the character of the public domain has been enhanced with high-quality finishes, new street-tree planting and local plant species.

Ben Williams Photography
Bondi Junction is now a leading example of cycleway integration into a complex streetscape upgrade. Because of the improvements, Spring Street - previously a service/loading street - has greatly improved its pedestrian and cyclist amenity, in turn increasing economic activity.
The improvements have tipped the balance in favour of cyclists and pedestrians in Bondi Junction, greatly improving the quality of life for residents and visitors to the area.