Oatley Station Accessibility Upgrade
Transport for NSW
Oatley, NSW

Eric Seirens

2017 Planning Institute of Australia Award for Excellence
Oatley Station has historical significance as a transportation hub with a close relationship to the development of the suburb of Oatley since 1885 and is listed in the State heritage database. A suburban stop on the Illawarra Line, the station is strongly characterized by its landscape setting and functions as the point of connection between the Oatley Memorial Gardens, a linear parkland to the east, and the Myles Dunphy Bushland Reserve, which extends from West Oatley to the Georges River.
As part of its Transport Access Program, Transport for NSW identified the need for a major upgrade to Oatley Station to provide equitable access and improved interchange facilities. Spackman Mossop Michaels, with TZG architects, were engaged by Transport for NSW to provide conceptual design and reference design services for tender for a new pedestrian bridge with lift access and new station forecourts. The design respects the heritage significance of the site in its scale, form, and materiality. The new forecourt spaces integrates with the existing landscape and the urban contexts of the station, and also improves access and amenities for pedestrians and cyclists.

Eric Seirens

Eric Seirens

Eric Seirens