Parramatta Light Rail Tree Offset Strategy
Transport for NSW
Parramatta, NSW

2022 Short-listed for AILA NSW Landscape Planning Award
2022 Short-listed for AILA NSW Infrastructure Award
Parramatta Light Rail (PLR) is one of the NSW Government’s latest major infrastructure projects being delivered to serve a growing Sydney. The PLR will connect Westmead and Parramatta to Carlingford via Camellia. PLR will renew and create new communities, connect key places and help both locals and visitors move around and explore what the area has to offer.
Its Tree Offset Strategy for Stage 1 guides the planning and delivery of more than 5,700 new trees in local streets, parks, reserves and the light rail corridor to deliver a greener, more liveable city of Parramatta. Thanks to this Strategy, Parramatta Light Rail is a greening project, helping to meet the Government’s commitment to plant five million trees by 2030, cooling hot streets, providing fauna habitat and transforming the character and amenity of Parramatta, delivering a legacy to be enjoyed by many.

Transport for NSW

Urban Heat Island Effect Mapping