Singleton Town Centre Upgrade
Singleton City Council
Singleton, NSW
SMM was commissioned by Singleton City Council to achieve the Singleton Town Centre Plan goal of improving the amenity and function of the town centre, to the social, economic and environmental benefit of Singleton’s and the region’s communities.
Phase 1 of this work was to develop a streetscape masterplan that identified the highest-priority capital works. The streetscape masterplan describes the upgrades of John, Campbell, York and George Streets including traffic calming, footpath widening, parking, lighting, street trees, pedestrian crossings, paving, street furniture and associated infrastructure; and other landscaping and infrastructure works.

Following the Masterplan, SMM were the lead consultant for the detailed design, documentation and construction services - managing the civil, structural, electrical and traffic design and facilitated custom lighting and furniture design. The project has generated significant interest in Singleton from the surrounding region and achieved council’s objectives.