Fitzgerald Neighborhood Revitalization Plan
City of Detroit
Detroit, Michigan

Aerial rendering of the Fitzgerald neighborhood and the various landscape typologies looking east toward the University of Detroit Mercy. Houses highlighted in blue indicate structures that will be rehabilitated.

2017 ASLA Honor Award for Analysis and Planning
Neighborhoods in Detroit and other cities across the country are dealing with the impact of blighted and vacant properties in their communities. The Fitzgerald Revitalization Project proposes a unique, landscape-driven approach to revitalizing neighborhoods.
This project envisions a bold new way to address distressed neighborhoods by focusing on the landscape of the entire neighborhood rather than addressing blighted properties on a lot-by-lot basis. The project addresses all vacant and blighted properties in the entire ¼ square mile neighborhood, envisioning an entirely blight-free neighborhood.
Using landscape strategies as the framework for affordable housing, workforce development, and community empowerment, this project presents an innovative way to think about neighborhood revitalization where healthy, inclusive, and ecologically robust landscapes are the driving force.
The plan calls for a new greenway and park created by consolidating vacant parcels, as well as the transformation of 200 vacant lots into community hubs, orchards, pollinator habitats, and stormwater management sites. Built on this landscape framework are market-driven productive landscapes, the rehabilitation of 115 abandoned structures into affordable housing, and a green-collar workforce initiative.

The Grove or Greenway is delineated by stenciled graphics using road marking paint to communicate safety guidelines along the shared path as well as create identity.
The landscape framework plan for the neighborhood, developed with extensive community engagement, focuses on addressing every parcel in the ¼ square mile neighborhood. There are four primary initiatives in the plan:
- Ella Fitzgerald Park: In the center of the neighborhood, over 2-acres of vacant parcels were consolidated to create a new community park with access to the greenway. This park serves as a central gathering space for the community. Completed in 2019.
- Fitzgerald Greenway: Connecting the two universities on either end of the neighborhood, the greenway uses vacant parcels to weave a new pedestrian and bicycle route through the neighborhood. An urban forestry initiative to plant new canopy trees in the neighborhood was a key feature of the greenway. Completed in 2020.
- Landscape Stewardship Plan: Integrated into the development of affordable housing in the neighborhood as a public/private partnership, the Community Developer will implement and maintain a series of landscape typologies on vacant parcels. This includes a range of landscape types, including orchards, pollinator meadows, community gathering spaces, and community gardens.
- Productive Landscapes Initiative: In another public/private partnership, a productive landscape initiative for market-driven landscape-based businesses, such as local food production, hops production for local breweries, or cut flower production, will turn many of the larger, consolidated parcels into economic opportunities for local entrepreneurs.
Fitzgerald Neighborhood Revitalization Plan was awarded the 2017 ASLA Honor Award for Analysis and Planning.
Fitzgerald residents participate in the installation of a mosaic mural by the artist Hubert Massey.
An extensive community engagement process is at the heart of this project. Early on, the City of Detroit committed to a transparent process where the neighborhood is involved in every step of the project. Beyond the community and stakeholder meetings that formed the basis of the engagement process, the community was involved in the selection of the Community Development team that will implement a large portion of the plan. The planning process also addressed multiple issues simultaneously, such as landscape strategies, workforce development, crime reduction and affordable housing, in an acknowledgment of their interconnectedness.
The comprehensive approach to the project, where the entire neighborhood is considered as a whole, allowed the community greater input into the overall development and planning process. Furthermore, focusing on the landscapes, including streets and social spaces, helped to focus the planning process on tangible outcomes and a shared vision for the future of the neighborhood.
The planning process integrated the affordable housing initiative with the creation of the blight-free neighborhood. RFP for a Community Development team to rehabilitate 115 of the existing structures as affordable housing is tied to the Landscape Stewardship Plan, where the same development team will implement and maintain landscape interventions on the 200+ vacant lots in the neighborhood. The RFP for Productive Landscape entrepreneurs is based on the community's vision for how productive landscapes will add value to the neighborhood and local businesses.

Neighborhood residents and students from Detroit Mercy testing painting strategies and learning about the future Greenway.
Alexa Bush
The Ella Fitzgerald Park and Greenway show how aggregate parcels of under-used land can be brought together to create a community open space asset.

The Ella Fitzgerald Park and Greenway show how aggregate parcels of under-used land can be brought together to create a community open space asset. Using landscape strategies as the framework for affordable housing, workforce development, and community empowerment, this project presents an innovative way to think about neighborhood revitalization where healthy, inclusive, and ecologically robust landscapes are the driving force. The vision of a healthy, walkable, vibrant neighbourhood with access to parks, greenways, and community psaces is the idea around which the other initiatives revolve.
Fitzgerald Neighbourhood Revitalization Plan was awarded the ASLA Honor Award in Analysis and Planning in 2017. For more information click here.
Time lapse video of Ella Fitzgerald Park from before construction to the park opening.